Why us?

We’re a multidisciplinary team of ex-lawyers and legal specialists, privacy experts, specialists in business operations, operating models, procurement and contract management as well as highly experienced IT and enterprise architects

Our only business is privacy, the UK Data Protection Act (2018) and specifically, the GDPR

We provide your organisation with
  • A comprehensive view of your GDPR exposure
  • A clear view of your remediation activities and necessary activities
  • Implementation capabilities to ensure that remediation is effective and relevant to you
  • A governance approach to evaluate, direct and monitor delivery

Also ...

We've interacted with the ICO, the Article 29 Working Party (now the European Data Protection Board [EDPB]), and also have a patent pending on a software component that assesses and articulates your financial and criminal risk quantification and ensures that the appropriate information is available for clearer decision-making

Any more?

Yes, we’d like to show you the benefits from adopting our method starting with a GDPR Health Check which provides a GDPR status very quickly, a focussed data audit which, amongst other things, identifies personal data, lawful processing of this, plus other required GDPR documentation including notifications and finally on to the critical rights and associated workflows